Life is good like dark chocolate. Not that cheap kind everyone gets (like hersey's that stuffs just gross) but that nice rich mmmm sooo good dark chocolate like dove...but even better then dove is Lindt or Ghirardelli. Now that is some GOOD chocolate!
I could probley live off of Dark Chocolate. Okay probley not but you get that point. It's that good and I'm really wanting some right now or have been for awhile.
Another great thing is Trix Cereal...No not the round piece kind the ORIGINAL!!!! That stuff is soo good!
"Silly Rabbit Trix are for kids" pshhh whatever! As soon as i find that rabbit I'm gonna share a bowl of Trix with him.
Now I'm really hungry yet I don't own any of this at my house. Oh well a girl can dream.
Peace and Love