Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hair Cut!!!!!!!

So for like EVERRRRRRRRRRR I've been wanting some kind of bangs and recently I decided that NO one is gonna stop me and that I'm gonna find a way to get them cut and as I was asking around for places that wouldn't charge to much to get it done, one of my friends (Shaundi) said that she could do it. So toward the end of class we went off to the bathroom and she started to cut my hair how I wanted it :) and it turned out to be REALLY cute!!!! I think I'm going to stick with this hairstyle for awhile now. :) (No Cathy I'm not gonna bob it like u say I should  :P)

And I'm sure I've said it a lot already but Thanks Shaundi!! You did an AMAZING job!!!!

Now I'm debating on if i wanna get my highlights redone and if so if i wanna go the same blond or do a brown that is darker then my hair. Ya'll will have to comment with your opinion on what I should do on that.

Well I guess I really don't have much other things to say right now so yah.



P.S comment on what ya'll think of the hair :)

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