Thursday, July 12, 2012

Major Changes For The Better.

Okay so I have been through a lot since graduating High School a year ago and I have realized a couple of weeks ago that there are some major changes I need to make in my life. Things that I need to get better at doing and some things that just have to change.

I have struggled at reading my scriptures my whole teen years. That doesn't mean that I didn't read them just that I'm not the best at reading them and I have decided earlier this year to work on getting better. I never really started to get better at it till a couple of weeks ago. I started to sit down and just for 30 or more minutes read them and have found that they are truly amazing when I sit down and just read them with no distractions at all and don't set myself a certain amount to read. I have gotten lost in them and have found that there has been times that I have read them for hours and ended up not doing the other stuff I had planned for the day but I felt better after reading them even though I didn't get done what I needed to. I still struggle at reading them but I am working at getting better at reading them. I am not setting myself a goal since goals do not always work. Instead I am sitting down during my free time to read them...which I have lots of.

Some other changes I am making is that I'm no longer letting people push me around and use me like they have in the past. I'm done with that all. I will speak my mind or just walk off. If you don't like this then that's your problem but I no longer want to be part of drama, bossed around, or used. I am my own individual person. I will do what I feel I need to do. What I feel I need to do may not be what you think I should do but that doesn't matter. You can give me your opinion as long as you word it in a way that makes it sound as an opinion or a suggestion instead of an order. I may still be a teenager as of right now but in about 3 months I will be no longer a teenager. I don't deserve to be treated as I have been and I won't put up for it anymore. I am setting my own personal rules that I will work at following. If you don't like them then fine. They are not rules for you they are rules for me. Some of them may effect others but those who are my true friends and really care about me will understand. They will realize that I am doing this for myself and to become a better person.

Now some of you already know this but I would rather talk to people face to face or over the phone. It's a lot more personal. There are some who I'm fine with talking to over the internet but those who I really care about I would rather talk to you in person or over the phone. I am cutting back my Facebook time. I will not get on Facebook much and if you ask me to get on to check something I will not get on till I want to get on. My life doesn't revolve around others. I have my own things I need to do and I will do those before I check Facebook. I refuse to let Facebook control my life anymore. I am also cutting back on my texting. There are the few who I will still text a lot but other then that I will not text like I use to. You know who you are if you are one of the people who I am okay with texting a lot. I will be working towards cutting back on my text usage and working on talking to people more over the phone or in person. This is a choice I made and again if you don't like it then that's okay cause it's a personal choice that I have made.

Those are the main changes I have made in my life as of right now. There are some other changes I have made in my life that I am working on and will continue to work on and there will be more changes I will make later on in my life. These are the choices I have made and feel that I need to do. I still care for everyone but if you don't hear from me as much don't be alarmed. If you want to hear from me then give me a call. If you don't have my number and want it let me know and I might give it to you depending on how I feel about you.

Lots of Love


  1. I love this. You are so right! Your life, your decisions. I hope that even though you're cutting back facebook time, you'll keep blogging:) I love you Rae!

  2. Sounds like are now grown up and have become your own person more then ever I am proud of you
