Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Make a Difference

Do you ever feel like after doing everything you can possibly do to be the best friend you can to people that all the hard work is wasted and that they don't care about you? Or when you try to stay friends with them to keep a great friendship alive and just to be there for them that they don't want it and just plain out ignore you and don't even make and effort to be friends with you? Or that they don't even try to make an effort to make time for you to be in their life but they make time for others who have been in their life way longer then you have?

It seems like this happens a lot lately. It seems like there is so many people out there who they try to be friends with, try to keep the friendship strong, try to be there for them, and just let them know they are there and that they do want to spend time with them to make great memories is just thrown out the door. Like they don't even care. Like they say they care about you but yet they never show it. They always seem too busy for you and don't want to make time for you intill after so long of asking them to or even then they decline you. Yet you don't want to let the friendship go but yet everyone is telling you to. Like you know deep down that they do want to be your friend but yet they just don't show it. That they want to hold on to other things that they might lose and they don't want to venture out to make new memories with other friends besides the normal one's that they have known for so long. Like they only want the one's they grew up with to be close to them and no one else. It doesn't seem like this is fair at all. Yet it happens.

It's hard on those who have moved around a lot in their lives. Have had to leave friends behind and had to try to make new one's but yet are not accepted because they didn't grow up there. Like they don't belong there. Making them feel like they don't matter in this world. That those who did grow up in the area are more important to them because they have been there longer then what you have. I've always been taught to venture out and make new friends. Make them feel welcome. Don't push them away. You never know what they are going through. I've been taught that if you don't try to be there for others and push them away you could be causing more harm to them then you think. They could be on the verge of doing something dramatic because they feel like no one cares for them. Like they are all alone in this world with no one to talk to.

I wish there was a way to end this. I wish I could put an end to it but I can't.  I see this happen ALL the time. I've seen some people do things that can't be undone. We all have faults to us but none of us should ignore or mock someone else. We should all try to be friends to each other. Don't push someone out cause they are not like you or didn't grow up where you did. Be there friend. Don't just say you care about them...SHOW them that you care. You can make a difference in someone's life. You may not realize that you are but to them you are the world. By reaching out to them you help them realize that they are not alone that people are out there who care and want to be your friend. I want to challenge those of you who are reading this to reach out. Find a friend who you haven't really shown much that you care for them or talked to them...and I mean truly heart to heart talked to them and show them that you do care for them. Invite them to do something with you. Don't wait for them to ask you to do something with them. Be the one to make the difference in that person's life. Listen to them and just be the best friend you can to them. We can all make a difference in this world by just being friends to others. Lets not sit around and wait for something bad to happen before we do something like this. Lets take a stand and do it now.

Love each and everyone of you. I TRULY care about each of you.

<3 Rae

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