Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Feeding Frenzy of Fashion!

I really should blog more...but I don't see that happening for a long time.

So lately things have been between ehh and good. I guess there has been lots that have been bugging me but yet I try to shove it in the back of my mind and just have fun while trying to forget about everything. It works at times but it always ends up coming out at some point. There is just so much that is going on in life now days that it's really hard to hold things together without falling apart. I wanna stay strong buy yet I can't always. It seems like at times there is no one there or that it just seems like no one knows what you are going through or ever will and that you just have to go through it alone without anyone there. Waiting for that light at the end of the tunnel to come but yet it doesn't seem to come.

So lately for like a couple of months I have been sick off and on. It's not like one day during the week I feel sick then the next I'm better. It's more like one minute I'm totally fine and then the next minute I feel super weak, start to get a little dizzy and feel like I might lose my stomach. It's basically gotten to the point where I can only eat 1 meal a day and if I eat more then that then I have stomach pains and start feeling sick or if I eat to much in one setting. I can't fully eat a full meal in one sitting unless I force myself to and deal with the pains it'll cause later. I am also not able to eat junk food without getting sick either. It has to be healthy food but not healthy as in what society thinks is healthy. Healthy as in what I have and probably will always consider healthy(my terms of healthy below). I have also been losing A LOT of weight since the summer. About 20 pounds or more. I have no idea why or whats going on at all. I have also gotten my blood pressure checked and it's on the low side of normal. I'm not sure if it's always been like this but I know it's low. I'm not sure if this could be a reason why I'm sick off and on or if there is something else. There are also some other things going on but those I don't feel like posting on here for certain reasons.

Healthy: Healthy eating to me is hardly any meats (no matter what kind it is). Nothing with sugar or to much sugar. No drinks that are sugary or have under 100% juice. Drink lots of water. Eat bread once and awhile. No milk unless it's cooked into something or part of something else. Soy milk is allowed. Lots of fruits and veggies. Chips very rarely. Cookies rarely and those depend on the type that they are. Sea food is allowed. No to hardly any salt. There is much more that I just can't think of right now.

So onto the good things that have been going on. I have met lots of great new friends this year. It seems like I am really fitting in here in UT. I feel like UT is where I am suppose to be at. I have been accepted by so many people and it just makes me feel so great that so many people want to get to know me and be my friend. I really enjoy it here and don't want to leave intill I have to.

On to other great things. I have recently learned that I'm an amazing artist. I never knew that I could draw till this semester. I still diss on my drawings a lot but as I look back at them I'm proud of what I am able to do and can't wait to get better.

Then a side random note: Adobe Photoshop CS6 comes out this spring sometime!!! And I"m a beta tester!!! I LOVE it! Can't wait to buy the full version and get to own it and call it mine.


Peace out


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