Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas and an Adventure

It was so amazing getting to be home for Christmas. It's so nice getting to be back up in Great Falls, Montana...the town is just amazing! It's my hometown. NO...I was not born there. I just grew up. So Christmas was lets say... interesting. I got to cook my very first turkey. It turned out really great. I'm not sure what the best part of making it was...It might have been playing with it while cleaning it or sticking my hand under the skin acting crazy...but it was a darn good turkey!
She is a beauty. I was kinda sad to see her get cut up....she is a girl right? Other news....I got to dress up my 8 year old cousin up and do her hair and make up just for a photo shoot doing the picture the way I wanted them. She is such a great girl to work with. Love her.

Monday...I got to tour the news station!!! How FREAKING awesome is that? I mean like how often do you get to tour a NEWS STATION!!! It was so fun. We spent about an hour there just looking at everything and talking about how they had nothing to cover and how an accident should happen so the news would have something to cover...1 hour later a car accident happened...cha ching! Later that night my brother borrowed my mom's car and well...I got a phone call at 10 pm of him freaking out cause the tire blew and he couldn't find the spare or figure out how to change the tire. Luckily I knew how to do it and helped him out the best I could over the phone while driving to him with my aunt.

Yup...there is no rubber left. Got to love that brother of mine. :)

Other I did a photo shoot at some falls in provo canoyns and well....I fell in the waterfall...totally epic! I got up and started laughing for probably an hour straight. I didn't care that my leg was freezing...I thought it was funny...there is going to be pictures and a music video coming soon....stay tuned peeps! 

Peace out yoda!

<3 Rae

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Walking On Water

Never thought the day would come when I would walk on water. Well, actually I didn't know it was possible till Tuesday. I went out with Chelsea to do a photoshoot at Utah Lake thinking we would see the myst of the cold and warm hitting each other. We got there and there was a guy standing out in the middle of the lake. Thinking in my mind that he is crazy and is going to kill himself. There was NO way I thought that the ice was solid enough to hold up a person's weight. We go down by the water and me being who I am....I walk out onto the ice!!!! CRAZY HUH? I know. Never thought in my life would I do something like this but here I was tuesday standing on the lake with Chelsea.

This is something I didn't think I would do. Well I did it and lived to tell the story. It is something really crazy that still amazes me that ME Raven Kuran walked out on the ice of Utah Lake!!! 

After realizing how solid the ice is we decided that it would be cool to get some pictures of Chelsea on the lake therefor making our photoshoot ON the lake. Crazy I know but It was fun. I'm not sure if I would ever do this again but I loved it. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life. Photography. Me.

I can officially say that I'm more then half way done with finals. I can't believe it. Just WOW!!!! Time flys by.

I'm no longer that little girl who has no care in the world. 
Running around using her imagination. 
Not caring with others have to say. 
Just living in her own world. 
Doing what she wants. 
Playing with her imagination.

I've grown into this wonderful young lady who has a ton of ambitions in life.
I'm still that crazy girl I've always been. I always will be. 
I'm just a much older version of that crazy girl. 
One who knows what she wants. 
Isn't afraid to fight for what she believes. 
Ready to do anything it takes to do what she wants. 
I'm determined and I know what I want in life. 
Age 19....I know who I want to be when I grow up. 

I want to be a photographer. 
I want to share with the world what is going on in my mind. 
How I see the world.
Bring things to reality that I never thought was possible.
Help others out.
Share my skills.
Strengthen my knowledge.
Capture those special moments.
Savor the memories.
Create something new.
The list goes on.

I know what I want in life and I'm going to fight for it. It's who I am. I'm never going to give up my dreams just because one person puts me down. I'm going to fight and prove how good I can be. Prove that I can get better. That I'm not a failure. That I don't care what others have to say. I'm going to take that comment (from the good to the bad) and make my self and my work better. All it will do is make me better. It's just how I am. It's me. If you don't like it then that's your problem get over it. Your not changing me. I am who I am and I won't change for anyone. 

Friday, December 2, 2011


We all have fears and I've decided to put mine out in a list and blog it.

  • Dying
  • Spiders
  • Automatic Flushing Toilets
  • Elevators
  • Not finding the right guy
  • Not being able to have children
  • Losing a family member
  • Losing a friend
  • Getting cancer
  • Getting sick 
  • Going into a coma
  • War
  • Gaining to much weight

These are just the one's I can think of right now but I have a ton more. My goal is to be able to overcome some of them. One step at a time and one million spiders dying a day.