Monday, January 14, 2013

Moving on...

Okay so....I have been through a really rough year this past year. Been through the ups and downs, mostly the downs. I have barley gotten through it and am still struggling to get through everything. With it being a new year, I want to change things and try to have a year where it's mainly the ups. This year I will not deal with guys. I am taking a break from them for awhile. A much needed break. They have caused me to much pain over the past year and I need time to myself to figure out really what I want in a guy for a future husband and to become happy with myself. Something that I can't do with a guy being there distracting me. I have started to fall into a depression due to work over working me and among other things. There are a few things I have decided that I am going to do this year to make sure that I don't fall into a deeper depression and that I can get out of this depression that I was pulled into. 2013 is the year to move on with life. Start focusing on what I love in life. Become who I am ment to be. Find myself again. Become a stronger person. Among so many other things. I am not ready to let this year become a year like last year instead I am ready to make it the best year that I can.

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